Daily UI (26/100): Subscribe

Okay...so let me explain...

I just watched The Creator, Gareth Edwards' new sci-fi film the previous night. There's a lot of ideas in the movie shown beautifully the way that only Edwards can show and has done in his previous films, Rogue One and Godzilla.

It's also a movie with a lot of heart and empathy shown through the eyes of John David Washington and Madeleine Yuna Voyles, the leads of the story. Without giving anything away, the premise is simple: Some time in the near future, humanity finds itself at war with AI after it attacked us 15 years earlier. John Davidson is charged buy the military with ending it once and for all.

I think that the film explores a lot of the technological issues that we're currently grappling with and turns it into an interesting story that doesn't really quite have the answers we're looking much less an easy ending.

As I thought of the day's UI challenge (designing a sign up page), I looked to this movie and other similar movies such as Starship Troopers for inspiration as both have that idea of a call to arms to citizens for help in the good fight.

I also thought of this being a mobile web app versus some kind of app. Mobile web would be easier to deploy and reach more people versus a dedicated app. It's also easier to update and way less expensive to maintain.

In terms of design I basically used the color schemes and font choices that that movie used for it's title sequences; it shows the sense of divide in the world.

So let me ask you this: when the war does come who's side will YOU be on?

AI or humanity?

Or are they the same...?


Okay, just to clarify: I AM JOKING!

Just thought this would be a fun solution for this UI challenge.

But you tell me.

What do you think?

Does this work as a satire?

Would you subscribe?

You're probably wondering what would I do.

Sorry but I asked first.

And if you're wondering what's with the use of Chinese in the design, you'll have to see the movie to find that one out.


Daily UI (27/100): Dropdown


Daily UI (25/100): TV App