Daily UI #32: Crowdfunding

I thought about checking out Kickstarter as inspiration but then found Start Engine, a crowdfunding site for businesses to raise capital. Think a company attempting to create a new type of turbine that harnesses wind for energy.

I had no idea what the design constraints are for the site so I did my best to stick to what I saw on Start Engine's pages.

I chose Legion M because I was intrigued by the idea of a fan owned film company. The founders were also the minds behind Mobi one of the first companies to stream movies via your phone.

I noticed something not only with Legion M's site but with all of the others that I came across: they were - more or less - landing pages. So I designed this UI challenge with that in mind.

Did I succeed in pulling a user in? Let me know.

Like it if you like it and/or repost; I'd greatly appreciate it.


Daily UI #31: File Upload