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Daily UI #29: Map

I always thought that if I ever opened a restaurant it would be a Filipino one. The menus would change daily but I always saw one thing staying the same: a representation of all 7000 islands of the Philippines on a wall and done in some type of graphic way.

A very large graphic way.

I decided to run with that idea when I tackled my latest UI challenge which is to design a map.

Like all of my designs so far, it's simple and straight forward.

Play around with the prototype (https://www.figma.com/proto/D740RD1Yee8noB779xaILr/Daily-UI-Challenges?page-id=1934%3A16&type=design&node-id=1937-1220&viewport=188%2C1245%2C0.04&t=FMbhxmbCyDTmtmP5-1&scaling=scale-down&mode=design).

If you like it then like it if you'd like. Or just let me know what you think could be better. Do the animations work?

You know what I'm saying.